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Their Story
The History of the African American Community in Sewickley
Following the Civil War, the demand for people to serve the industry giants of Pittsburgh grew. The city's mills required workers, and the wealthy with homes in Sewickley, needed help. Southern Blacks looking for opportunities to start more prosperous lives, moved north, fulfilling these needs. As more migrated to town, the Black community grew strong with their churches, community groups, entertainment, and businesses to support their own expanding needs.
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About Us
Documenting Our History, Our Stories

The history of the Sewickley African American community is an important story to be told.

We are creating a documentary about the history of the Sewickley African American community of the quality appropriate for PBS broadcasting that captures the story in a way that communicates the drivers around the country that brought people to Sewickley and how they created a unique, thriving community. Using in part the research done by Bettie Cole for her iconic book published in 2000, “Their Story: The History of Blacks/African Americans in Sewickley & Edgeworth,” the film will extend from the 1700s through today.

This film is a tribute to a place, people, and time, whose story and their mark on their cities and towns should not be forgotten.

The Their Story team will create a one-hour documentary that will capture the history and uniqueness of the Sewickley Valley African American story.

Book pictured: "Their Story: The History of Blacks/African Americans in Sewickley & Edgeworth" by Bettie Cole

We are excited to announce the reprint of Bettie Cole's iconic book, “Their Story: The History of Blacks/African Americans in Sewickley & Edgeworth,” is now available. CLICK TO ORDER YOUR COPY NOW! If you live in the 15143 are (or nearby), we will deliver the book without charge!

If you have any questions, contact us anytime!


Team Members
We aim to make our Sewickley history available to everyone.

Our committee is comprised of Sewickley community members with ties to various areas of the community.

  • Gwen Strickland, Co-Chair
  • Stratton Nash, Co-Chair
  • Susan Kaminski, Project Co-Founder/Funding Coordinator
  • Bob Patterson, Sewickley Community Center Representative/Project Advisor
  • Carla Nash, Treasurer
  • Gloria "Peaches" Cook, Committee Member
  • Floyd Faulkner, Committee Member
  • John "Timmy" Lee, Committee Member
  • Shelley Murray, Committee Member
  • Dorinda Taylor, Committee Member
  • Joyce Parker, Hon. Member

The Sewickley Community Center is the fiscal sponsor.

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The Project
Learn more about this project and how you can participate!

Meet our talented Director
We are in good hands
Dr. Rueben Brock is a modern-day Renaissance man. A trained musician, photographer, filmmaker, professor of psychology, author, and motivational speaker, Brock’s many varied interests and accomplishments make him a unique voice in today’s world.

Contact us
Use the QR code or email us to share your precious memories. Please help us tell Their Stories.

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